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september's mood

the mood for this month is trust.

trust /trəst/ firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. to hope; to have faith or confidence.

This month I want to really lean into my intuition. Over the course of August, I noticed that I had a heightened sense of knowing like never before. My body was super sensitive to different energies and the signs and wonders were at an all-time high. Not to mention the “random” thoughts, ideas, and synchronicities I experienced had to have been messages from the divine.

I often underestimate myself and I received messages from Spirit that I really need to not only trust myself but trust Her as well. One of the confirmations I received last month was that Spirit is my “Divine Mother” and she had a stern talking to me like any mother would about being hard-headed. I then realized that I receive messages all the time and just chalk them up to being my own “random” thoughts or dreams and completely negating the divinity that runs in and through me. To be honest it’s quite disrespectful to not believe in the fact that I am actually deeply connected to the divine. So, I am making the conscious decision to put forth the effort to take the inspired action based on the strategy I am given.

I pray for strategy all the time, it’s probably my top prayer and I sometimes receive it just as quickly as I ask for it. What a blessing that is to be so connected to divinity but also what a waste to not be putting into practice more frequently. I also received a word that what other people say should only confirm and not affirm my own ideas. With this new knowledge, I noticed myself receiving more confirmation than ever. So inevitably trust had to be the mood/theme for this month.

When I say I need to work on trusting myself and Spirit. I mean that when I ask for guidance I need to trust that it will come and when it does, I need to trust that what I am told to do will work together for my good. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense in the physical as long as I trust that I am divinely guided and protected then all will be well. Being that I am a divine creator, it is key for me to believe in everything I do first and foremost but also know that at the end of the day my success or impact is not up to man or the algorithm.

My goal is to adopt the attitude of creating even if no one cares. I want to take the limits off of myself and stop trying to do things the world way — trust me I’ve tried that and all it did was make me feel as if I was in a rats race. I’m realizing now that I have allowed the vanity metrics and trendy way of doing things to hinder me but I want to release myself from that and create what feels true to me and discuss topics that I actually care about.

I trust and believe that I will make the necessary strides this month to break the barriers that have hindered me in the past. I’m praying for energy, inspiration and continued guidance for September. If you need it, I pray that you receive it anything else that will help you along your journey.

& so it is. xx Six