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june's mood

the mood for this month is self-belief.

Self-belief (or self-efficacy) is a person's belief in their ability to complete tasks and to achieve their goals. Judging yourself to be capable of success increases your chances of actual success. Judging yourself as not capable of success reduces the chance of success.

Believe it or not, self-belief is something I struggle with and have for a while now. Not in all areas of my life, mainly when it comes to entrepreneurship and business. It’s quite tricky because I know that I am great or have the ability to be great at anything that I do. But when it comes time to put myself out there I get in my head.

So this month I made the decision that I was going to do it afraid and try my best to be consistent despite what the negative part of my mind tells me. I have done so much self-work over the past year and I know that it was all to prepare me for the life I’m asking God for. But, in all transparency, this last bit of self-doubt keeps trying to get the best of me.

As a self-proclaimed master manifestor, I know that belief is one of the most important rules to manifestation. While I’ve done all the work to get clear on what I want, consistently visualizing, and speak life over myself; the belief part is something that seems to get me every time. This is especially frustrating for someone like me who has a track record of amazing accomplishments. Since I was a kid I always had this go-getter spirit and just did what I felt was right and made shit happen for myself. So what changed?

I allowed outside opinion or the idea of outside opinion to cloud my judgment. Social media plays a huge role in today’s society and with that comes a lot of pressure and this sense of feeling like you have to conform to be able to make it. Now I realize that this is just a bunch of rubbish that I willingly bought into and unfortunately allowed to be embedded in my subconscious mind.

So now the challenge is to get back to my younger self. The girl who didn’t allow her circumstance or the opinions of others to stop her. I mean younger me’s dreams would be so lofty, I had this lust for life that was unmatched and this delusional plan that I told to anyone who would listen. I want to be that girl again, and I will be her — it’s going to take some work and brain mapping but I know that fixing my subconscious will allow me to tap back into that strong self-belief I once had.

Here are some steps I am taking to rebuild my self-belief:

  1. Reflection Journaling - answering journal prompts that help you remember all that you’ve overcome and accomplished.

  2. Sleep Meditations - listening to meditation audio while sleeping. this helps to reprogram you subconscious mind at it’s most vulnerable state. overtime it can help break any blocks you maybe facing. you can find these on youtube

  3. Mirror Work - simply reciting affirmation to myself while I look in the mirror to help embody what I’m trying to call in.

  4. Prayer - if you didn’t know, prayer indeed works. simply asking for guidance from God and your spiritual team will do wonders.

If you try any of these or have any tips or methods that you use to help you combat lack of self-belief please share below.

xx Six